Wednesday, January 18, 2012


I know, I haven't posted in awhile, but it's not like any of you care (because it is most likely that you are non-existent). So let's skip this sorry intro and move into something that's been on everyone's mind in the USA: SOPA and PIP.

I know that these bills were out for awhile but I thought it would be important to talk about. But the thing is, everything has been said and done. Or at least, everything that will effect us. But I want to bring attention to the future of the world with internet censorship.

And yes, the world. Not just the United States.

Alright, imagine this... you are a young child, living in a world of internet censorship. You, because you never knew what it is like without censorship, are completely fine with all this government tyranny, so as you grow up you teach your children that everything is okay and that's just how the world works. And soon, this whole thing becomes a mess. Soon, big corporations will take over the world and we'll all be dead... okay, not really, but you see my point.

A life of censorship is a life of dictatorship only titled differently. And that's not what our country was founded on. Our country was founded on the belief that every American citizen has the right to do what they please (as long as they don't hurt someone in the process of course). This has it's limits but when it get's to this level it becomes just plain un-constitutional.

So do what you can to stop this bill...

Thursday, August 25, 2011

I'm Back From Where I was From...

Yes, I'm back and yes, I'm ready to get back at blogging. Questions are not needed because you will never ask questions, because you probably don't care. But I care, so I'm going to write it down. Just as I want to. You can leave now if you want.

I've been through lots of things lately.

When someone says that, they usually mean something bad. Well, for me it was good and bad.

Camp. It was bitter-sweet. I made some good friends there, had a great teacher and had fun writing and reading, even when I was forced to. There, I made friends who were like me, nerds who like sci-fi and love anime. Everyone there is free to be who they are because everyone there is a nerd. And that's great. Seriously, I love this group so much. I've never felt like part of a group who was true to themselves before and this time I have. Nerds and Geeks are really amazing people, who are sweet, funny, smart and overall a great example. I would consider them to be the kind of people who are great friends. And at camp, I met people who I would always remember. The girl who wears a cape to class everyday, the girl who thinks she's a dementor, the boy who programs and the girl who owns cockroaches. So many people! The cheerleader who is lovely in every way, the  girl who games! The girl with the awesome hat. Yeah, the boys didn't stand out as much but they were nice too.

My teacher was awesome too. He gave great advice while not making it boring, he gave us some good things to read, he asked us our opinion. Basically, a great teacher. I remember, the last day, we were watching a movie about quantum physics and then he burst into the room and shouts "This woman is crazy!". He pointed towards the screen at the lady talking. Let's just say that by the end of the day, we had called upon a 3,500 year old spirit warrior, accused a boy in our class to be possessed by a spirit and sent some spam mail that wasn't really spam but is was. Seriously, if that wasn't a great way of teaching, I don't know what is.

But the bad part, the prison after class.

You see, there were some issues.

They were mainly stealing and stuff, they also mentioned harassment but the counselors they were up in arms, accusing everyone of harassment and stealing. They were all upset. And they punished us. They threatened to cancel the dance (I personally don't care about this) and we couldn't walk alone anymore (I do care about this). One day we couldn't even go to activities, but it was alright since they forgave us that day and we could go back on our usual business. But seriously, I hated it. They were treating us like convicts, except convicts had at least an hour of freedom. Also, the paranoia of counselors sneaking into your rooms and watching you sleep. There was a rumor about this one counselor who would go around and knock on everybody's door to see if your sleeping since there were strict rules about going to bed. See, going around is kind of harsh already, what they were instructed to do was to go around an make sure the lights were off. But no. It gets worse. This person, if you didn't answer, would open your door with the master key and make sure you were asleep. So, yes, they watch you sleep. Seriously, I had nightmares about the all that week. I almost didn't want to go to sleep because I was so scared that someone would knock on our door then barge in.

I wouldn't say that I couldn't and wouldn't go back there again. But then again, jail had more freedom than that camp.

Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Camp... Wait, I Have To Go

Hello, my fellow people (who-probably don't exist). It's been awhile since I last blogged but I've been busy. With school. In the summer...

Pretty much, it's just camp. Except you have to go to classes and learn a whole year's worth of school in three weeks. Yeah, doesn't sound like much fun, huh? But it's... fun? Well, it's fun because of friends and my class has an awesome teacher. But the creeping faculty is just... meh.

Friends are awesome, everyone was amazingly nice and funny. No one was rude to anyone. We all took each other seriously but not too seriously and I like that. I feel comfortable here. But... here, I have to go... I'll tell you later.

Thursday, July 21, 2011

Wednesday, July 13, 2011


I say why, and I can't say how. But for some reason, I feel... sad. Lonely. Maybe unworthy. Even though I ran two miles today and worked on my summer homework for the first time this summer, I still feel cold. Like no one is out there for me. Isn't it strange. I suppose, I've been thinking a lot about death lately. Maybe that's why?

I don't consider myself Emo by any means. I don't cut, I don't have piercings. I don't wear dark clothes often. But somehow, I find myself thinking about death.

What's it like? Dying? How does it feel? Is it painless, or does one feel every second of it, until their heart stops beating. How does one spend the last seconds of their life? I always wonder. I would imagine that you would spend your last seconds reflecting on the life you had.  The good times and the bad. Maybe, it's like going towards a light, like what all those movies said. Or how about waking up in a winter wonderland. That woulds be pleasant.

Or what if it's darkness.

Pure, pitch black darkness where one is lost, cold, afraid. And for eternity, one spends time trying to search for the light, when there is none. What if, we all burn in hell. All, I mean by the normal day to day people who have not done anything wrong in the eyes of the society. What if, none of the normal people are spared. Then again, why would we deserve such punishment? What if there's nothing. We just die. What if there was no afterlife? What if we just rot away in our graves.

I don't know.

I won't know until I die and that won't happen any time soon. I don't plan on it happening any time soon.   ... gosh. I'm scaring myself. I should do that. But everything is a possibility. Nothing should be put down. I hope that there's a heaven out there. I hope I get there someday. But I can never cross out the possibilities. I should keep my mind wide open and listen, observe and wait until the day that I will finally know the answer. Someday...

Monday, July 4, 2011

Sorry, it's late...

It's late here, and I'm tired of doing nothing. Seriously. I did nothing today. All I did was write and watch Youtube videos on my forth of July. At least over the weekend, I went to a small town on the lake. It was lovely, full of people. My family and I went to the beach and were attacked by flies. I mean HUGE flies! About as big as a thumb. That really ruined the whole "beach" thing. Also, the water was freezing but the sun was hot. How is that possible? I thought that... well never mind.

It's not really worth it to post my day by day adventures in my extremely dull life. You probably don't care much. If, you're there even. Anyway, I think that I'll write a letter. A fake letter writing about a fake situation...

 Dear Ms. Lucretia Tenebaum, 

Lucretia, oh, how long it has been! Years! How long has it been since I last saw you, striding along through the fields, laughing? So young and bright back then! A lovely girl you were and I'm sure still are! Goodness! It has been many years, Lucretia, I'm am writing this letter to announce my arrival to your manor on the tenth of May. I hope you don't object, I really do miss you, old friend. I thought that it may be best for both of us, to see each other before you get married. 

Mr. Fairburn, he's quite a lucky man. I truly hope that he will admire you're golden blonde locks and sea blue eyes the way I used to. And your fair skin, you're beautiful features. I can only dream of being as lucky of a man. I have yet to find my bride,  but I know she is waiting for me out there. Maybe she's an American? Or.... I don't know. Maybe I be honest, Lucretia? But ever since I met you back when we were young. I always loved you. As I aged, I even intended to marry you. That was my dream, to watch you walking down the aisle in you're white dress. Well, now my dream has come true. Only in a different light.  

My confessions of love are useless for you are to be married in a matter of weeks. There will be no chance for you and I to ever be together. But, of all things, before you marry, I wanted to tell you my true feelings. Please, keep that in your heart. I will be with you my love in every way you could possibly need me. Though i may not be waiting at the  alter for you. I will always be your lover at heart. 

Please expect me in the coming weeks. 


Mr. Edwin Attenson  

Monday, June 27, 2011


Who decides what's "normal" and what isn't? I know, weird question. You are probably thinking, "The society, duh!"

Today, I think I had an epiphany. And I got it in the shower. Don't ask me how I even was thinking about normality in the shower, I just was. I think that, no, the society doesn't make up the rules as what is normal and what isn't. I think it's media.

Movies, plays, even commercials are trying to box the world, into what's normal and what isn't. Think about it. We see "normal people" all the time but are white houses and nice bedrooms and other stereotypes in movies. Freaky Friday was supposed to show off a normal family. Also, The family in The Uninvited are "normal" people other than Anna. But, let's admit that none of us live that way. You may... but not many people live in nice houses, drive expensive Volvos and do other things we see as normal. So what? We, the society, aren't normal?

I never considered myself normal. I had a autistic brother, a mother obsessed with college, and a father in the midst of his 10,000,000 attempt at weight loss. My home is in a nice neighborhood, near the city but we didn't always live there. Before, we lived in another state and kept moving around. We travel a lot and my dad is always in England working. Mom looks stressed and tired all the time, as if she's upset with something I did and my brother acts like a two year old even though he's three years older than me. I even find myself, thinking about life and death and I'm so moody, I'm always sacred of death and think of myself dying often. I alway think of my funeral when I'm sad because it cheers me up when I think of all the people who would cry. How they will all feel sorry for me. Does that make me Emo?

So as you can tell, I'm not normal. But then again, what is? Are you normal? Is normal good? Is normal the things we see in movies, t.v. shows and commercials what normal really is?  I don't know, but I hope I find out soon.