Wednesday, January 18, 2012


I know, I haven't posted in awhile, but it's not like any of you care (because it is most likely that you are non-existent). So let's skip this sorry intro and move into something that's been on everyone's mind in the USA: SOPA and PIP.

I know that these bills were out for awhile but I thought it would be important to talk about. But the thing is, everything has been said and done. Or at least, everything that will effect us. But I want to bring attention to the future of the world with internet censorship.

And yes, the world. Not just the United States.

Alright, imagine this... you are a young child, living in a world of internet censorship. You, because you never knew what it is like without censorship, are completely fine with all this government tyranny, so as you grow up you teach your children that everything is okay and that's just how the world works. And soon, this whole thing becomes a mess. Soon, big corporations will take over the world and we'll all be dead... okay, not really, but you see my point.

A life of censorship is a life of dictatorship only titled differently. And that's not what our country was founded on. Our country was founded on the belief that every American citizen has the right to do what they please (as long as they don't hurt someone in the process of course). This has it's limits but when it get's to this level it becomes just plain un-constitutional.

So do what you can to stop this bill...